Water Play Area
Among the many features and activities designed for folks of all ages and physical abilities, we are excited about the opportunity to include an interactive water feature. Water, both invigorating and lifegiving, will connect our community to the wonders of nature while creating personal interactions Block 34 is designed to encourage. Through sounds, sensory experiences, visual entertainment, and the youthful joys of water play we will explore the senses and enjoy the companionship that is sure to entangle us all in laughter and joy as we build new experiences together.
This feature provides a water play area for children of all ages.
The feature is highly visible from the SW entrance, the SE entrance, and anywhere along 9th Avenue.
Provides unobstructed sightline from the Central Lawn so parents can keep an eye on their children.
Donor will be prominently recognized with a plaque in the area.
We are seeking one $350,000 donation to fully fund this feature.
Donation deadline is August 1, 2023 to be included in Grand Opening.
Are you ready to jump in and help bring this feature into reality for the City of Stillwater? The community is ready but we need an impressive and generous sponsorship to make it happen. Read on about how you will be forever recognized for the huge heart you have for this community.
Donor Recognition for this Feature
There will be a permanently installed recognition block adjacent to this feature that will provide prominent visibility to anyone enjoying the feature.
The donor will have the opportunity to specify how the DONOR NAME will be displayed. Due to the confines of the design, donor will be limited to a maximum of 25 characters.
See how the Designers have Envisioned this Feature
Note that this video was created several months ago and many design features have been modified. Therefore, the video may not completely represent how Block 34 will look after completion.
Start the Donation Process
If you are interested in donating the funds necessary for this feature, please click on the link below to download a .pdf form. This form is used to indicate which feature (or features) you are interested in funding and how you want the donor recognition to be displayed. You can simply print out the form and fill out by hand, then send to us with your donation. The form is also setup so you can use your computer to fill-in the form fields and then print the form and send with donation. Also, feel free to download the form and email to us. The form provides all the instruction that you may need but if you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using the telephone number and email address available on the form. Once we get your form and donation, we'll take it from there to make sure that your donation will be going toward the feature that you requested.
It is important to note that because many features only require one donor, these will be on a first come first serve basis. If we receive two donations for a specific feature we will respectfully contact the donor we received the latest form from and discuss possible options.